Teachers. Those wonderful people who care for and teach your children when you're not around. And don't just think I miss them because I have had two weeks of non-stop kid activities with nary a moment for myself.
Don't think I miss them just because I have answered 4 million random questions in those two weeks.
Don't think I miss them because I have yet to use the restroom without someone knocking on my door to tell me something that couldn't wait two minutes
or because even though we have gone to the water park, basketball camp, the library several times, grandma's house, taco bueno, the park, and two different friend's houses they've said they are bored.
No. I miss them because...well, because...I'll get back with you on that.
I was thinking along the same lines today, after I answered "why" for the 16 millionth time. I can't wait to get through this week (VBS) and then Reid will go to a babysitter three days a week. Then, maybe then, I can get some work done during the day.