Does this photo not capture everything that is wonderful about a pre-school graduation? It's like they hired child actors to portray a pre-school class at graduation and they got it totally spot-on! My little graduate got the Character Trait award for "Love & Friendship". Here's what the teachers wrote about her.
She is a well-rounded student who gets along well with everyone. She is kind and caring and will readily put her arm around someone having a difficult time or hold their hand to make them feel better. She is respectful and well-mannered. Her favorite learning center is the art area, but she also enjoys the dramatic play area. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up "because you get to teach and it's fun".
Let's just say, this mama is so proud!
you should be so proud. the teacher nailed it with what she wrote about your little sweetie. i miss her. and you. and your other little sweetie. can you all visit this weekend? please? :)